Holy cow, how is it already July? Summertime is flying by and just one month from today, I will be back at work. 2011 has been a great year, but has flown by. It seems like just yesterday we were ringing in the New Year with our Fort Worth friends, Luke and Molly were born, we skied in Whistler and then school was out. I know the fall will zoom by with football and holidays and we'll be ringing in 2012 before we know it!
June was full of good times and some pretty important events in the Buckmaster household. Below is a recap:
New Job - I accepted a new job as a kindergarten teacher at Arlington Classics Academy. Leaving Mambrino and Granbury is probably the hardest thing I have ever had to do professionally. I loved my school and loved, loved my first grade team. I cried when I resigned and cried when I told each of the teachers. Everyone was very understanding, as I had driven an hour each way (and 50 miles) for two years. My new school is 15 miles from my house, which I am so excited about. I had lunch with my new team and they seem great as well. I am really excited about teaching kindergarten again. I had such a fun time with that grade the first year I taught. Plus the campus where I will be teaching is brand new and the center of it is a castle. How cool is that?!? I am really excited about teaching at a new school!
Traveling - George did quite a bit of traveling in the second half of June. He traveled to Stanton, Virgina for three days for a factory test and then to Vancouver, British Columbia for training. He had a great time with his co-workers in Vancouver and thoroughly enjoyed the 65 degrees (compared to 105 here). As many people know, I am a big baby and miss George immensely every time he travels. Yes, I'm that "crazy" (I like to think of it as "sweet") wife that cries each time I drop him at the airport. While George traveled, the puppies and I held down the fort in Fort Worth. :)
A Visit From Mom - My mom spent three days with me the last week of June while George was traveling. We did lots of shopping, decorating and even painted a red accent wall in our master bedroom. I love it and am just trying to convince George to love it, too (and it IS red babe, not pink). It was so great to spend some time with my mom and not be rushed and have so much to do. We had lunch with my mother-in-law one of the days, which was great. I am so thankful that my parents and George's parents get along just like they've always been family. We are so blessed.
Now that June is over, we are ready for July. It's going to be another busy, but fun month with visits from my aunt and uncle and parents, time with friends and Kellye's baby shower. I can't wait for all of the fun! Some teachers may not get super excited about going back to work, but I know back-to-school means college football is just around the corner! I desperately miss starting my Saturday with Game Day and watching games all weekend long. Just eight more weekends without college football! YAY!
Weekend 3.8
11 hours ago