Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Back to School...

My baby girls are in the TWOs! I just can't believe it. I remember thinking they were so "big" when they started in the cribs class (at 7 months old). We are so fortunate to attend such a wonderful preschool. I give thanks for our sweet school and teachers on a daily basis.

We had a big summer of development. The girls are talking SO MUCH now. They use complex and compound sentences. The describe what they see and make predictions. They love to count, name their shapes and letters and colors, and we are really working on letter sounds. They love to read and can even "read" (the pictures -- not words, of course) some of their favorite books and love reading to me and their babies. They love to play outside, build with Legos, and do puzzles.

Ashley still loves to play with her babies (she now carries two around at all times) and I see/hear her doing and saying things to them that I do and say to her. She loves to rock, sing, kiss, and read to them. She calls them "sweetheart" and tells them that she loves them. And she also prays with them. It warms my heart and makes me feel like I am doing something right on those days when I feel like I've done NOTHING right.

Annabelle loves imaginative play. She loves to play with little figurines (especially Peppa and her family and Mickey Mouse) and comes up with so many scenarios and conversations. She will occasionally play with baby dolls and she is so sweet as she cuddles, sings, and reads to them. She is still more adventurous than Ashley and loves to jump off of things, climb, and have Daddy or Uncle Dom lift her to the sky. She also loves to play hide-and-seek!

Our school year started off with a bang -- and not in a good way! Annabelle woke up on the first day of school at 4am violently throwing up. The stomach bug would pass between both girls and me over the next three weeks and needless to say, we didn't have a full week of school until the fourth week. But now we are in a routine and loving it! Mrs. Heather is their teacher every day and they just love her. Ashley calls her "Mrs. Feather." They love talking about their friends and the playground and are so happy every day when I go to pick them up. This year, we go back to my room for about 30-40 minutes and they play while I prep for the next day. It's become a time that I treasure and they look forward to it every day.

I am so excited for what the school year has in store for the girls and our family. I bet it's going to be the best year yet!!

So Long Summer...

We're back in the swing of school and almost settled into a routine, and I am just sitting down to recap our last glorious month of summer. I have to admit, although the last two summers have been special and fun in their own ways, I really loved this summer most of all. The girls are just a little bit older and we are able to go and do and explore and enjoy each other's company. I was so sad to see summer go!

August started out with our annual Buckmaster Family Vacation with George's whole family. We all met in Granbury on Wednesday and enjoyed a long weekend together. Thursday we played at Grandma and Pawpaw's house and then on Friday we all went to Fossil Rim Wildlife Center and drove through the facility seeing so many cool animals -- like zebras, giraffes, ostriches, and antelope, just to name a few. It was so much fun and the girls LOVED it! We ended the busy morning at Cici's (a first for the girls) and everyone enjoyed long naps afterwards. On Saturday, Grandma and Pawpaw graciously agreed to have granddaughter duty and the siblings and spouses all spent the afternoon at the local brewery. It was so much fun to visit and spend time together! We were sad to see our vacation end on Sunday and can't wait for next year.

The next week, the girls and I spent the beginning of the week at Mommy and Me Art Camp at Van Grow Art Studios. We are so lucky to have this little gem so close to home! It was challenging keeping two toddlers on task (and not painting their entire bodies), but they had fun and the instructor was a good sport! We skipped out on art camp a little early and headed to New Mexico for a long weekend with the Sanders. We had the BEST time! We loved it so much that by the end of the trip, we were looking for houses to buy together! We drove up Thursday morning and George and I were not sure how the girls would do on an 8 hour road trip. Although they didn't nap until 30 minutes before we arrived and probably watched way too many cartoons, they did so well! It was a pleasant drive and we made it to cooler weather and the mountains in great time. We spent four days playing, laughing, cooking, eating, bouncing (the bounce house traveled with us, of course), hot-tubbing, and laughing some more. There was a great park super close to the house, so on Friday we got lunch at ate at the park before letting the kiddos burn off some energy. Saturday we went to the horse races, which was such a fun experience. Saturday evening it was chilly (around 50) and preseason football was on and I felt like I was in Heaven! We headed back (begrudgingly) on Sunday ready to prepare for back-to-school. It was such a wonderful vacation and the perfect way to unwind and relax before school started (and escape the crazy August heat in Fort Worth). We constantly feel blessed and so fortunate to have such wonderful friends living across the street.

The next week was busy with school prep, Junior League and a work day and in-service at the end of the week. Grandma helped out and we were so grateful (and of course, the girls loved spending time with her). We had a fun dinner with the Sudbecks, and I was officially back to work the fourth week of August. This year, I don't have a teaching partner (because of a small class) and it was so overwhelming and stressful getting ready for school to begin. We made it to Friday, which meant Meet-the-Teacher time, and the girls were so happy to meet Mrs. Heather. We celebrated the last day of summer with ice-cream and had a low-key weekend at home. Monday meant back to school, back to schedules, and back to crazy but it also meant that college football was just around the corner!

Fall is my favorite season of all --but I was so sad to see summer go! It's hard to believe that next summer we will have 3.5 year olds! I can't wait to see what this school year has in store for our family. <3 p="">