Good morning! It's August 1st! I can't believe it. This summer has gone by in the blink of an eye, and so has 2016. Don't get me wrong, fall is my favorite season and I am so looking forward to football, crockpot meals, and a chill in the air, but I have soaked up every second of summertime with my sweet family and enjoyed it so, very much. We've had busy days, lazy days, and everything in-between. The girls seem so much like little girls this summer, and it's enjoyable to have conversations with them and see their personalities and opinions really develop. I love witnessing the special bond and friendship they share with each other, and can't wait to see how much stronger it gets as they get older. We don't start back to school until August 29th (I have some meetings and trainings the weekend of the 22nd), so we still have some summer left, but here's a recap of what we've done so far.
May began with a trip to West Columbia for Mother's Day and lots of end-of-school year stuff. George had a quick work trip to New York and my amazing Co-Chair and I prepared for the Junior League Provisional Retreat with our newest members. We finished school in mid-May and headed down to Nonnie and Pawpaw's house while Daddy George had a boys golf weekend on Lake Sam Rayburn. We loved seeing our family and he had a wonderful time with high school friends. The next week was the Colonial PGA golf tournament in Fort Worth, so the girls and I were solo most of the week while George entertained clients. Memorial Day was laid back and relaxing with Aunt Rachel and Uncle Dom. We kicked off summer the right way! :)
June was crazy busy, but so much fun. The first weekend was Crestival, the annual member/guest golf tournament at River Crest. The little ladies spent the weekend in Granbury and we had a full weekend of golf, friends, and parties with the Sudbecks. Crestival is known as "Golf's Biggest Party" and it didn't disappoint. After several weeks of nonstop rain, the boys were forced to walk 36 holes (which was exhausting), but they made the best of it and it definitely didn't ruin a good time. It is so much fun to see so many neighbors and friends that we only see once a year. Crestival is definitely one of my favorite weekends of the whole year! The girls had a wonderful time in Granbury and it was nice to be reunited on Sunday. The next weekend, George and I made a quick day trip to Austin for a wedding and the girls spent the night at Aunt Rachel and Uncle Dom's house. Everyone had a fun weekend and they enjoyed one of the splash pads in their neighborhood (until it started unexpectedly storming). The third weekend in June, we headed to Pearland with George's family to spend the weekend at Matt and Cortney's house. It was so much fun having everyone together and we stopped by Nonnie and Pawpaw's house on the way home to see them. The last weekend, we celebrated the newly-married Corby's at their wedding in Fort Worth. The girls had Summer Fun at their preschool two days a week and started a ballet/gymnastics combo class at Little Gym. Annabelle LOVES the gymnastic portion (and often is asking when it's time for gym during the entirety of the dance class), while Ashley seems to enjoy both portions equally. It's such a fun activity and I love seeing how they have different interests. I don't think they'll be in the same activities when they get older! As mentioned in my previous post, Lindsey and I started taking tennis lessons in June and we are both really enjoying the workout and the sport. June was a fun month!
After a busy June, I vowed to slow down in July and be home more. It's always great seeing and doing, but I felt like we were running around too much so we really tried to keep our weekends open and not so busy. My parents came up for July 4th, and we had so much fun with them. We went to Granbury on Sunday and got in a little lake time. I always feel so lucky when our families come together because they get along so well. It seems like they've known each other forever. I know we are so incredibly fortunate for that bond! The next couple of weeks were filled with more Summer Fun at our preschool, Little Gym, lots of pool time, trips to the trampoline park and Happy Lark (an awesome indoor play space in Fort Worth) and lots of Chick-Fil-A playdates and lunches. We spent a lot of time with our friends, EV and Will, and the mamas enjoyed the adult time and energy release (for the kids) during the day. George played quite a bit of golf and continued to be so busy at work, which we are always grateful for, but do miss that daddy of ours when he's gone! Lindsey and I improved our tennis game and started playing once a week in addition to our weekly lessons. July was a fun, "laid back busy" kind of month. Towards the end of the month, we celebrated the Scotts at their wedding in Dallas and then had a long weekend in West Columbia with my family (complete with lunch with Nonnie, an impromptu trip to the beach, and a visit from Aunt Dixie). It was a wonderful month and just full enough to stay occupied but not too full as to feel overwhelmed.
We can't wait for August fun -- a trip to Granbury with George's family, a weekend away with the Sanders, and the excitement of a new school year! I know it's going to be a wonderful month! xoxo
Weekend 3.8
12 hours ago