I expressed how much I L-O-V-E college football on my last post. I joke that the first game of the year is like Christmas to me and I'm serious. So you can imagine how excited I am that the Aggies and Arkansas Razorbacks signed a 10-year contract to play in Cowboys Stadium, which is a mere 15 minutes from our house. LOVE LOVE LOVE it!! Well last year I was beyond excited and the week prior to the game, I came down with the lovely H1N1. So on the Saturday of the game I was feeling better but still very weak and not one hundred percent. This year was going to be different, or so I thought. Thursday after lunch my stomach started feeling funny. Not anything in particular, just unusually full and uncomfortable. By the end of the day, I was sure that I needed to yak (lovely). I really thought that it was just the yummy elementary cafeteria cheeseburger that didn't set well and that I would yak and feel better. I started the hour long drive home from my school. Every mile I felt worse and worse. By the time I got home, I ran in our powder room, threw my sunglasses, keys and purse in the sink and started yaking. I barely got the dogs outside before I yaked again. It was terrible. I cannot remember a time that I have been more physically sick that that (usually with the flu or strep I feel awful but it's different). I missed my junior league meeting (tear) and barely had enough energy to call my principal and schedule a sub for the following day. I continued throwing up until midnight. The next morning I was so sore and weak that I could hardly get out of bed. I started feeling a little better by noon and by 4 o'clock that afternoon was actually able to head to the grocery and start making tailgate food. My tummy was hurting so bad that I had to get George to taste test everything for me. This broke my heart because I LOVE tailgate food! By Saturday I felt so much better but still pretty weak and unable to eat anything. To say we had a blast at the game was an understatement. George's company tailgate roasted a pig and although I didn't have any, it was awesome! The Aggies played so hard but broke our hearts once again. I still love them and look forward to watching them BTHO Mizzou this weekend.
Gig 'em Aggies! |
My new curtains! Love! |
Now for my Tuesday rant.... I am feeling so overwhelmed at school. I just feel like there is not enough time in the day for me to teach my kiddos all they need to know. I pray and pray that I will be a good teacher and prepare them for second grade and life but this year I just don't feel like I'm doing it. I know that everyone in education feels pressured. And when I feel pressured, it's not my principal's fault or even my superintendent. It is not anyone's fault but the fact of the matter is that it doesn't make the feeling go away. I am beyond blessed to be in a profession where I can see the change I am making on a daily basis. I love it and I love my kids. But right now, I feel like I am drowning. I feel like I hold my breath as long as I can and then bobble my head to the surface enough to take a quick breath and then back under I go. I wish I could work in my classroom until 10 o'clock every night but then I feel like I am not being a good wife. But when I come home at 5 or 6 o'clock, I feel like I am not being a good teacher. It is such a catch 22 situation. I know I just need to pray about it but sometimes it feels good to write about it too.
Now for some sweet puppy pictures before I get back to the Rangers game.... I love these guys!
My sweet Abby. |
My handsome Tyson-man. |
I hope the rest of your week is wonderful! I'll leave with a great and appropriate quote that I read today: "Do not curse the rose for having thorns, instead praise the thorns for having a rosebud." I think we all need to force ourselves to see the glass a little half full sometimes!