Friday, February 21, 2014

A January Surprise: Ashley and Annabelle's Arrival

I am going to start with the weekend before and all of the events leading up to the surprise arrival of our perfect angels!

We got through week 33 and doctor's appointments, and were ready to begin week 34. Dr. Benz told me at my appointment on Friday, January 24th, that once I hit 34 weeks (which was in two days), they would not stop labor. I was to stop taking Procardia that I was taking for preterm labor on Sunday. She hoped I could make it another 10 days or so to push me closer to full term. I still wasn't dilated much and my "labor test" came back negative the week before. I was still having contractions but I truly thought that the girls would wait until mid-February to make their debut. 

My last picture as a mommy-to-be! This is just before 34-weeks.

Sunday night (January 26th), I took my last dose of Procardia. My contractions were consistent that night, but not any worse than normal. My sweet mother-inlaw volunteered to come and stay with me on Monday and run some last minute errands for me. I was determined to stay in bed as much as possible from here on out in an attempt to keep the baby girls cooking. Our goal was to make it to my appointment with my high risk on Tuesday and see how much Ashley had grown. We would have a much clearer picture of when the girls would arrive after that appointment. Laura stayed with me on Monday and went to Buy Buy Baby for me, as well as the grocery. My swelling was out of control. Not only were my ankles HUGE, but the swelling extended up to my calves and thighs. So attractive! 

Monday afternoon I started having contractions that were pretty painful. I was timing them, but they weren't too regular. Monday night, I took a bath and went to bed. I was awake all night with contractions. At 2a.m., I had George massage my back. At 5:30a.m., I got up and took a shower hoping that would help. Looking back, I am an idiot for not realizing that I was in labor. George urged me to call my doctor that morning, and I pushed him out the door to his 7:30 meeting and told him I would. All we had to do was make it to my appointment at 1:00p.m. with the specialist. George ended up calling his mom again to come and stay with me because he was so concerned. Finally about 8:30, I texted him and said we should go to the hospital. I was timing that my contractions were 7-8 minutes apart. He rushed home from work and I got as dressed as I could and off to Baylor we went. I fully expected them to hook me up to the monitor and then send me on my way after an hour or two of monitoring. 

Once we got to the hospital and I got on the monitor, to my surprise the contractions were 2-3 minutes apart. The doctor came in and checked me and again, I wasn't really dilated. They gave me medicine for pain and started meds to hopefully spread out or stop the contractions. Medicine number 1 was unsuccessful, so they moved onto medicine number 2. The on-call doctor said he thought that we were going to have babies today, but I brushed him off and thought that was ridiculous. Dr. Benz came over to check on me and said we'd try more meds and then go from there. She was hopeful that I could make my 1:00p.m. appointment with the specialist. 

The second round of meds were unsuccessful and on top of everything else, made my heart rate way too high. I had two doses, but wasn't able to have the third dose because of my pulse. Dr. Benz came back over and said we would try one more measure: ultra hydration. They would pump me full of fluids to see if that helps, and if not we'd be delivering babies today. Holy cow! I still was in such disbelief and thought there was no way they'd be delivered that day. We still hadn't really told anyone, because we didn't think our sweet girls would be making their arrival. We started calling family, specifically my parents and Matt and Cortney, so they could get on the road. 

After two hours, my contractions were still coming strong and it was decided that the girls would be delivered that afternoon. I cannot tell you the overwhelming emotions that I felt. Everything from worry, joy, excitement, name it, I felt it. George and and I could not believe that this was the day, January 28th, that we would become parents. We had hoped and prayed and dreamed about this moment for so long and it was finally here. It was surreal!

As soon as it was decided that the babies were going to be born that day, we had a swarm of people in the room. From countless nurses, to the NICU team, doctors, etc. I couldn't keep track! My head was spinning! George was told they would take me into the OR, administer the epidural, and then he could come in for the surgery/delivery. George was such a trooper texting all of our friends and family to keep them posted on everything. And thank goodness for the Sudbecks volunteering to go to our house and get all of our things. My bag was somewhat packed, but all of the last minute toiletry type items were not. I am so thankful that they took care of that for us!

I got wheeled into the OR and my head started spinning. It was such a surreal, out of body experience. I leaned over as they inserted the epidural (and it took three times to get it to work---not fun!) and then in came George and we got started. I heard the doctors talking and then Dr. Benz say, "Happy Birthday little girl!" Annabelle (baby A) was here! Oh my goodness -- I cannot even describe the emotions I felt. Tears had been constant since we got to the OR, and they didn't stop. I was a mom. George was a dad. If only we could have frozen time! Soon after Annabelle was born at 4:55p.m., our little Ashley made her debut at 4:57p.m. George rushed to checked on the girls and I heard Dr. Benz say that they were healthy. What a blessing! George came back and said the sweetest words I've ever heard: "They're perfect!" I immediately wanted to know their weights and he went to find out. The girls weighed in at 4lbs, 10.7oz (Annabelle) and 4lbs even (Ashley). Not bad for 34-weekers! Both girls were brought to me to see and I was in love. Thank you, Lord, for blessing us with these sweet angels!

Our first picture as a family of 4!

Dr. Benz finished and the girls were taken to the NICU to be checked out, since they were preemies. George stayed by my side the whole time and we both were speechless and could not believe that the girls were finally here, and how beautiful they were!

After surgery, I had several visitors in recovery. George's sweet parents came and gave us both big hugs and were so sweet. His dad told me, "Thank you for giving me such beautiful granddaughters." Many tears were shed, and it was such an emotional and happy moment. Rachel and Dom arrived soon after, as well as the Sudbecks and Stacy. My parents and Matt and Cortney were still en route from Houston. It was so nice to have our family and closest friends there, and I couldn't wait for our out-of-town family to arrive. On the way to my room, we went to the NICU and I got to hold the babies. The. Best. Moment. Again, it was such a surreal, unbelievable moment. 

Holding my girls in the NICU. 

While I got settled in my room, George took his family one-by-one to the NICU to see the babies. What a trooper of a husband I have. The girls are so lucky to have him as a dad! Finally, Matt and Cortney arrived and my parents. It was so good to see all of them! I gave my parents the biggest hug and felt so much better and calmer having them there. They got to meet the girls, and everyone went home for the night. 

The day still seems so surreal and almost a blur. The funny thing is that everyone knows what a planner I am. This pregnancy has basically laughed at my plans for 34 weeks. In my head, I thought we were going to waltz into the hospital in mid-February and have babies. Of course, I'd have my hair fixed and make-up on and my bags would be perfectly packed. George and I may even go on one last date night the night before. Their birth was going to be planned and predictable, and then it ended up being anything but. However, I wouldn't change a bit of it. Ashley and Annabelle's birth day was perfect. It was theirs, and had been decided long before they were even conceived. I am so thankful for two healthy little girls. How incredibly blessed we are as a new family of four!

1 comment:

  1. Love your story! Absolutely beautiful! Congratulations! How blessed are those precious girls to have such a loving family to be surrounded with!
