Annabelle weighed 6lbs, 1oz at our 4w appointment on February 25th and 6lbs, 13oz at our 5w appointment on March 5th. She is 20.5 inches long. She's gained just over 2lbs since birth and grown 2 inches.
Ashley weighed 5lbs, 13oz at our 4w appointment on February 25th and 6lbs, 6oz at our 5w appointment on March 5th. She is 20 inches long. She's gained just over 2lbs, 6oz since birth and grown just over 2 inches.
The girls have changed so much even since we brought them home. They are so much more alert and awake. They focus on things and are beginning to follow things with their eyes. I think they are starting to recognize George and I more, because they constantly stare at us. Also, we have picked up on different meanings for different cries. I definitely know which cries mean "hungry!" And asour pediatrician promised, they are crying more. He said this is a developmental milestone and a good thing. Whatever you day, Dr. Worsley! We started tummy time and they are little rock stars! They are able to lift their heads and look from side to side. They are making lots of noises and sometimes seem to be making noises back and forth to each other. They also began noticing each other, which was so very sweet!
Annabelle during tummy time.
We came home on a great three hour eating schedule from the NICU. It worked well this month, but towards the end the girls started wanting to eat more frequently. Out of the eight feedings a day, they sleep in between five of them and are awake and stirring in between 2-3. The trick is getting them to both stir and sleep during the same window!
Their first appointment with our pediatrician was the day after coming home from the hospital. We enjoyed Dr. Worsley at Fort Worth Pediatrics and feel like we are in great hands with him. He was very impressed with the girls' health and growth this month. At our 5-week appointment, he declared us "medically boring" and said we could be on a regular baby schedule. Woohoo! What an accomplishment!
Our lifesaver this month was having Laura here during the week. She embraced our schedule and followed it to a T! She got up with me for the 2a.m. and 5a.m. feedings, which made them go by so much faster. Having an extra set of hands is huge! She also encouraged me to run errands during the gaps between feedings and take naps. I am so thankful for her and that she has given us so much of her time. We are so lucky!
We took newborn pictures on Thursday, February 20th. I cannot wait to see previews! Heather at Chunky Monkey Photography is so talented and sweet. I am so thankful to have her to document the girls as they grow!
Week One:
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