Setting goals helps me to get things accomplished, so I decided that beginning in July I would set a few monthly goals and then re-evaluate where I am at the end of the month with them. Maybe this will motivate me to stick with a few things that I've been "meaning to do" but always slip off of my to-do list.
1. Blog More
- I really want to keep our family blog updated. Even if it's just a post or two each month, I think the girls will really enjoy reading about what life was like for them when they were little. Plus it's fun for me to reflect on the past and just how much things change. My goal this month is to post two more times other than this one. I hope I can find the time to do it!
2. Master Bedroom
- I read somewhere about a lady who focuses on one room in her house each month to deep clean, organize, and re-decorate (if needed) and then she moves on. Our master bedroom could definitely use some TLC in all of those areas. Not that I think it can be totally magazine-worthy by the end of the month, but I want to be moving in that direction (or maybe just the direction of being a space that makes me smile).
3. Beach Prep
- We go to the beach with George's family for five days in early August. I want to make sure we all have what we need -- swimsuits, hats, sunscreen, accessories ,toys, etc. -- so that packing is easy and simple.
4. School Prep
- August means that school isn't too far away. Although the girls don't start school officially until September (and I go back for training August 21st), I would like to have lunch kits and backpacks ordered and monogrammed so that I am not scrambling around last minute. I feel like August will fly by!
5. Eating at Home
- I want us to eat at home 5 nights a week. It's so much easier to eat healthy (and a lot more cost-effective, too) when eating at home. Plus there are so many new recipes that I want to try out. Once we stick to this routine, I think it will be easy for it to become our new normal.
6. Early Bird
- I want to be up no later than 5 at least four days a week. My days go so much smoother when I am up early and have my quiet time (with coffee of course) and get a few loads of laundry done and chores complete before the girls are up for the day. Plus there's something so peaceful about being up all alone in a quiet house.
7. Books
- I am trying to read three books a month -- one about marriage, one about parenthood, and then a fun read. Ideally, one of those "topics" will be a devotional. I need to finish up Power of the Praying Wife and then hope to read Love and Logic for Early Childhood along with something fun and light.
8. Baby Books
- I need to get the girls baby books FINALLY caught up. This has been a goal of mine for a while. Let's hope I can finally cross it off of my to-do list this month!
9. ENJOY Summer!
- We made a summer bucket list and it has helped us to have so much fun. Most of the things on there are simple, like eating Popsicles, going on a road trip, etc. but we also have things like going to the zoo and splash pad and going to the beach on it, too. It has helped me to have a more intentional summer with the girls and make fun memories for me. I think so often as moms, we worry about them not remembering things but I have decided that some things are for my memory and that it's fine if they'll have no recollection of them whatsoever. I want to enjoy my little family and friends as we finish out summer and start looking towards fall.
Weekend 3.8
19 hours ago
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