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February is here! January was so busy for us, that I don't feel like I was very successful with my January goals. My biggest goal in February is to give myself some grace and breathe, so that means many of my January goals are getting carried over into February and I am forcing myself to be completely satisfied with that.
A peek at my January goals:
1. I've decided that it may not be the season in life to train for a long distance race. I had planned on running the Hot Chocolate 15K tomorrow, and had made sure to get at least a longer run in each week. This week I realized (after reading my very appropriate daily devotional) that sometimes we take on too much and although it's all good stuff, too much "good" can actually not be so good. I still may try and run the Rock-and-Roll Half Marathon in Dallas in March, or I may not. I'm not putting unnecessary pressure on myself.
2. I didn't read the two books I had intended, so that is a goal that is being carried over into February.
3. Read my daily devotionals every day. Between sick kids and feeling rundown, I was not as consistent as I would like to be with this goal. I would say I did this 4-5 days a week, but hope to be 100% next month.
4. We did pretty well with our January budget, despite the girls' birthday and party.
5. The playroom is so close to being complete! I'll continue working in February and hope to have this big item crossed off my list.
February To-Dos/Goals:
1. Read two books. I hope to read the same two books this month that I planned on last month -- Ever After by Vicki Courtney (wonderful book about marriage that I am re-reading) and Decision Points by George W. Bush (I've begun, but never finished this one).
2. Devotional EVERY day -- I want to continue reading Jesus Calling, which has a morning and nighttime devotional for a year and also Power of the Praying Parent. My goal is no skipped days this month. My days are SO MUCH BETTER when I include quiet time in them.
3. Be active somehow every day. I am taking a step back from training for long distances. My new goal is to be active every day (walking 15,000+ steps) and then maybe have a more organized/intense workout (like running or actually going to the gym) 1-2 times a week. I hope to do some kind of short floor work daily in addition to getting my steps in.
4. Finish playroom. I hope to cross this big (but fun) project off of my to-do list this month! We just have a few things left -- pictures of the girls, more wall art, finish our art wall, buy a large rug, and install a chalk board and mirror.
5. Meal Plan. I want to get back into the routine of meal planning for the month and cooking at home five days a week. It's so much easier to eat healthy and stick to our budget this way.
6. Keep MINT updated and stick to our monthly budget. It feels great to stick to our monthly budget and not overspend. We did much better in January and I hope to stay even more on top of our budget in February.
7. House Focus: Laundry Room / Landing Cabinet -- In addition to finishing the playroom, our laundry room needs some organization. I hope to keep some toys in our cabinets in there to rotate through the playroom. Also, we have a closet in the landing area upstairs that needs to be cleaned out and organized. That space could be used so much more efficiently!

Baby Girls--you're two! I just can't believe it. These last two years have gone by in the blink of an eye. I can still remember being so nervous for my first sonogram, only to find out that we had been blessed with TWO sweet angels. Your actual "birth"day seems like yesterday -- I can remember so many of the sights, sounds, and being freezing cold afterwards. I can remember the NICU routine and bringing you home, and all of the crazy, sweetness of your first year. Looking back at pictures from the past summer, I remember that we thought you were so big on our family beach vacation and now you look like babies in those pictures. It has been a wonderful year! You make my heart so full. The first year of your life was so special because of all of the "firsts" of motherhood, but this past year you have grown so much, accomplished so much, and really just come into your own. I have enjoyed every second of seeing you personalities bloom. There have been challenges -- probably the biggest being keeping you two stimulated and safe all day. You both like to go and move like crazy. Having twins means that we can't go and do as much as we all would like, because I am paranoid and maybe a little too "safe" and it makes me nervous to have both of you in a big open area (because you two never fail to run in the opposite direction). But we really try our best to have a lot of fun at home inside and outside and with lots of different materials and toys. I am loving this age so much! I can't say you two haven't had a tantrum (or ten), but the hard moments make the good moments that much sweeter! You two are both dolls and loved by so many people, but none more than your daddy and me!
Annabelle Jane -- 25lbs, 8oz. (38th percentile) and 37 1/4 inches tall (99th percentile)
Sweet Annabelle -- you are so determined, focused and silly. You completely have your dad's personality (mostly). You are very logical and once you have your mind set on something, it's not ideal for ANYONE to stray you in another direction. You don't throw many tantrums, unless we are interfering with your carefully-crafted plans. One of my favorite stories is from Christmas Eve. You wanted to go outside and play so badly at bedtime. Daddy and I, of course, said "no," so you went and put on your jacket and shoes and stood at the door. In your mind, you had taken the necessary steps for going outside and completely expected for us to open the door and go out with you. Needless to say, you slept in your shoes and coat that night.
You love playing make believe, especially with little figurines (like Mickey, farm animals, and doll houses). It's so fun watching your mind work and your scenarios unfold. While Ashley is definitely the one that plays baby dolls more, you have your moments where you sweetly and quietly go over to the babies and tuck them in, swaddle them up, or push them in the stroller. It melts my heart! You will be a great mommy one day. You love, love, love Mickey Mouse and would watch him all day, every day if I would let you. You love to laugh and love to be tickled. You also are such a risk taker and love to hang upside down, climb, run, and play chase. I love hearing you squeal in delight as you play with Daddy. Lately, you've been extra cuddling and I love it. I hope you always love my hugs and kisses! You love playing with your sister and love it when she tickles you. Hearing you two giggle together is the sweetest sound! You have many words -- too many to count. You have been speaking in two-word phrases for a while and are saying some three-word phrases. It amazes me what you pick up and understand. You are so smart, and your dad and I are so proud of you. We can't wait to watch you grow this year! You are a smart, sweet, strong-willed, beautiful little girl and we feel so lucky to be your parents.
Ashley Dianne -- 26lbs (40th percentile) and 34 1/2 inches tall (60th percentile)
Miss Ashley -- you are so caring, playful, and cheerful. You remind me so much of myself. You are such a "little mama" and I have been called that my whole life. You are so emotional (just like me) and that emotion can go one way or another. Let's just say we've seen you throw a fit or several, but we've also nearly melted from your sweet kisses and "I wuv woo's." Tonight was one example of your sweetness. You were tucking your babies into their bed, and we sang "Jesus Loves Me" to them together (like I do to you every night). I loved hearing you sing most of the words to them and seeing you rock them. Afterwards, you reminded me that we needed to say the prayer. You folded your little hands and bowed your head while I prayed, and then we said "amen" together. It was one of the sweetest moments of my life! I have never been prouder of you.
Besides playing babies, you love singing, reading, and watching "Wheels on the Bus." Naturally, your favorite parts of the song is the part about babies and moms. You also love reading books. I love hearing you and Annabelle read books that your dad and I have read to you over and over again (and you know most of the words). I can only hope you both have a love of reading. You definitely are a little more cautious than your sister and are startled/afraid easily (again, like mommy). You still love me to hold you a lot, but I am secretly enjoying every second. You are becoming more and more independent and there are many things you like to do on your own. You are quite the talker and have more words than I can count. You speak mostly in two-or-three word phrases, and say lots of "pleases" and "thank yous." It makes my heart so happy! You repeat everything, and it's a constant reminder that we need to set a Godly example with the words that we use. You love your sister so much and love waking her up from nap. You run in there and practically shriek her name. It's the sweetest thing! You are very in tune to the feelings of others, especially Annabelle. You quickly report that "Annabelle is sad" or "Annabelle is crying" if something is wrong. I hope you and your sister stay this close for the rest of your lives! You are such a smart, strong, kind little girl and truly beautiful inside and out. We couldn't feel prouder and luckier to be your mom and dad!

For your second birthday, we celebrated with family and a few close friends. We had a donuts and pajamas party and everyone wore pajamas. We ate lots of yummy breakfast food and, of course, donuts. Your grandparents and Aunt Lynn got you two a bounce house and you love it so much! That was the best part of the birthday--seeing the joy on your faces as you bounced and played. You two are loved by so many, and I hope you never doubt how much you are loved. Most of all, you are loved by your Heavenly Father, and I hope you always feel His presence and love. If we raise you two to live your lives only worrying about pleasing Him, then we've done our jobs. That's my prayer for you--that you won't work to please those here on earth, but live to please God and live a life parallel with His wishes. Here's to year 3, sweet girls! There's no greater joy in our lives than being your parents. You were so worth all of the waiting and the heartache, tears, and worry that came with it. We still can't believe you are ours! Happy Birthday to you!! xoxoxo