February is here! January was so busy for us, that I don't feel like I was very successful with my January goals. My biggest goal in February is to give myself some grace and breathe, so that means many of my January goals are getting carried over into February and I am forcing myself to be completely satisfied with that.
A peek at my January goals:
1. I've decided that it may not be the season in life to train for a long distance race. I had planned on running the Hot Chocolate 15K tomorrow, and had made sure to get at least a longer run in each week. This week I realized (after reading my very appropriate daily devotional) that sometimes we take on too much and although it's all good stuff, too much "good" can actually not be so good. I still may try and run the Rock-and-Roll Half Marathon in Dallas in March, or I may not. I'm not putting unnecessary pressure on myself.
2. I didn't read the two books I had intended, so that is a goal that is being carried over into February.
3. Read my daily devotionals every day. Between sick kids and feeling rundown, I was not as consistent as I would like to be with this goal. I would say I did this 4-5 days a week, but hope to be 100% next month.
4. We did pretty well with our January budget, despite the girls' birthday and party.
5. The playroom is so close to being complete! I'll continue working in February and hope to have this big item crossed off my list.
February To-Dos/Goals:
1. Read two books. I hope to read the same two books this month that I planned on last month -- Ever After by Vicki Courtney (wonderful book about marriage that I am re-reading) and Decision Points by George W. Bush (I've begun, but never finished this one).
2. Devotional EVERY day -- I want to continue reading Jesus Calling, which has a morning and nighttime devotional for a year and also Power of the Praying Parent. My goal is no skipped days this month. My days are SO MUCH BETTER when I include quiet time in them.
3. Be active somehow every day. I am taking a step back from training for long distances. My new goal is to be active every day (walking 15,000+ steps) and then maybe have a more organized/intense workout (like running or actually going to the gym) 1-2 times a week. I hope to do some kind of short floor work daily in addition to getting my steps in.
4. Finish playroom. I hope to cross this big (but fun) project off of my to-do list this month! We just have a few things left -- pictures of the girls, more wall art, finish our art wall, buy a large rug, and install a chalk board and mirror.
5. Meal Plan. I want to get back into the routine of meal planning for the month and cooking at home five days a week. It's so much easier to eat healthy and stick to our budget this way.
6. Keep MINT updated and stick to our monthly budget. It feels great to stick to our monthly budget and not overspend. We did much better in January and I hope to stay even more on top of our budget in February.
7. House Focus: Laundry Room / Landing Cabinet -- In addition to finishing the playroom, our laundry room needs some organization. I hope to keep some toys in our cabinets in there to rotate through the playroom. Also, we have a closet in the landing area upstairs that needs to be cleaned out and organized. That space could be used so much more efficiently!
Weekend 3.8
19 hours ago
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