Holy moly--if I could sum up January in one word, it would be "BUSY!" I told a girlfriend today that January had been busier than December. I feel like I need to hit "reset" on my 2016 goals/resolutions and just carry over my January goals into February. Life did not get the slow-down-it's-post-Christmas memo. But you know, I am thankful despite the chaos. I am thankful we have friends and family who have important life events that desire our attendance. I am thankful that George got a promotion, even if that means more entertaining, more dinners/nights away, and more trips. I am thankful that I am running around like a chicken with my head cut-off to plan a "low key" birthday party for healthy, thriving, almost-2 year old twins (someone hold me--I may start crying now). Here's a preview of what's been going on in our lives lately...
We are back at school and thriving! The girls' vocabulary, independence, and comprehension seems to multiply daily. I am so thankful for our wonderful school. We. Are. So. Blessed!
George went on a three-day pheasant hunting trip in Kansas with customers and some of our neighbors. He had a great time, but nearly froze to death! We missed him dearly and were so happy to have him home.
Prior to George's hunting trip, Annabelle came down with a fever virus. It was my first time dealing with as a mom, and it scared me to death. Her only symptom was fever. Annabelle's ears were checked (twice), she was tested for a UTI (absolutely zero fun), and she had a chest x-ray. After five days, her fever stayed away (even without medicine), and she seemed to feel so much better. Praise the Lord! Dr. Google is a mom's worst nightmare when you have a sick baby!
Junior League has kept me so busy! Applications for our Provisional Class were due mid-month, so my awesome Co-Chair and I have been so busy with last minute details. Now it's onward and upward to the three meetings we have in February (on top of the three normal meetings we would have as League members). Whew! I am thankful for a husband that doesn't bat an eye when I am rushing around to my many meetings!
We celebrated our best friend, EV's, birthday on the 16th with a fun get-together at her house. We are so lucky to have such wonderful friends across the street. It's been such a fun parenthood ride with the Sanders!
Ashley didn't want Annabelle getting all of the attention for being sick, naturally. She came down with a terrible chest cold (viral respiratory infection) last week. Her little cough sounded awful, but thankfully she responded to breathing treatments and is on the mend! Praise. The. Lord. (Can we all please stay well?)
We celebrated Cousin Blaire's first birthday in Pearland and it was simply fabulous. Aunt Coco did a wonderful job leaving no detail unattended. We love our cousin and can't wait to see what year two brings! Daddy George flew out from Houston on Saturday afternoon (after Blaire's party) for another business trip. We were so glad to have him home four days later. He was very missed!
I'm back on the running wagon and planning on running the Hot Chocolate 15K in Dallas on February 6th. Running is so many things to me--a hobby, therapy, confidence-booster, exercise, etc. It feels good to run again, even if it's super sporadic and I am not nearly as fast as I once was (if I could ever call myself "fast").
George's management position keeps him busy. In addition to managing the Fort Worth office, he is still selling, selling, selling (or at least we hope so). He works so hard every day for our family, and we are so grateful. But we miss him sometimes, too! (or all the time)
We are in the thick of birthday planning! Our theme is donuts and pajamas and I am trying to keep it simple. Goodness, it's hard though! I can't wait to celebrate our sweet two year olds. They are such treasures in our lives!
Life is busy, life is crazy, but we are so incredibly blessed! I wouldn't trade a minute of it for anything else!
Weekend 3.8
19 hours ago
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