**Pictures to be added later!
Several of my favorite blogs post "What's Up Wednesday" on the last Wednesday of every month. They answer the same questions and I think it's a fun snapshot into where we are in life right now. Here's to starting a new blogging tradition and hoping I can keep it going! I think it'll be so fun to read back on these posts at different times of the year!
1. What we're eating...
Well, I forgot to cancel our Hello Fresh subscription for this week so on Monday we had seared tuna over rice and a salad and tonight we will have seared steak with a chipotle sauce with veggies and a potato hash. Last night (Tuesday) we had Chinese because George worked late and I was exhausted from a full day at the zoo and splash pad! Thursday we leave for my parents' for a long weekend, so I am off the hook the rest of the week!
2. What I am reminiscing about...
My baby girls as babies! Time flies by and I can hardly remember what it felt like to hold and squeeze my squishy-cheek little loves!
3. What I'm loving...
TENNIS! Lindsey and I started taking tennis lessons this summer and I really love it! It's a fun sport, great workout, and fun girl time away from housework! :)
4. What we've been up to...
We're getting ready to start major construction on our house -- the addition on a master bedroom and bath downstairs, a garage, and outdoor living space. We are so excited! We've been finalizing plans, I've been pinning like crazy (I'm sure George will give me NO budget when picking out everything--ha!), and we're moving everything from our existing tiny garage and guest house into a POD. It's going to be great when it's finished, but crazy during the process. It's a good thing we do crazy well! ;)
5. What I am dreading...
I can't really think of anything too terrible....I am dreading picking up the house because it's kind of a disaster right now!
6. What I am working on...
We need to purge! Before school starts, I hope to purge clothes, shoes, and toys. It's time!
7. What I am excited about...
I am excited about back-to-back weekends with our families -- my family this weekend and George's next. The girls love seeing everyone and so do I!
8. What I am watching or reading...
I am reading The Nest about a super dysfunctional NY family who is patiently awaiting their inheritance (or "nest"). I am a little over halfway finished and LOVE it so far.
9. What I am listening to...
I've been listening to a lot of podcasts while doing house work. My favorites are Inspired to Action and God-centered Mom.
10. What I am wearing...
Tennis clothes right now and house shoes, because my feet are sore from playing this morning. But I can't wait to wear my fall goodies from the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale!
11. What I am doing this weekend...
The girls and I are headed down to my parent's house tomorrow and the George joins us Friday night. We can't wait for a fun weekend with everyone!
12. What I am looking forward to next month...
College Football (almost)! We will be so close to college football and I can't wait! I am also looking forward to beginning a new school year. It's always so much fun!
13. What else is new...
Not a lot -- just trying to soak up the last few weeks of summer and figure out what activity to enroll the girls in for the fall.
14. Favorite part about summer...
I have LOVED all of the extra time with the girls and not rushing around. They are such an enjoyable age and are becoming more and more independent, but still love to cuddle and lay on mommy. It's the best of both worlds and I hope I remember it for the rest of my life!
Weekend 3.8
11 hours ago
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