The weekend of November 20th was a crazy, busy one....but I wouldn't have it any other way.
One of my sweetest friends, Stacy, is pregnant with twins. JoAnna and I had planned on throwing her a shower the weekend before Thanksgiving. Well of course, the Aggies just HAD to be on a 4-game winning streak with Nebraska coming into town. Of course, it had to be the biggest game in College Station in a long time. Since the shower was in the early afternoon and the game was at 7, George and I decided that we definitely could do both. I'd host the shower, then we'd drive down, scalp tickets and we'd be at the game. Well George didn't feel comfortable getting there right before the game to scalp tickets because he was worried about being crunched for time. We were so back and forth about going because we didn't want two cars, we weren't sure if we could find tickets, etc. Basically there were just so many "ifs." It's Friday night before the game and we are in the movies (still undecided) and a good friend of ours, Van, texts George that he's driving down Saturday morning and George can go too. PERFECT, we think. George can go down early and then I'll meet him there. Well then on the way home from the movies, another good friend of ours (who actually played football for the Ags) texted us that one of his daughters was sick and he had two extra tickets if we wanted them. Holy cow! How can our luck be this good? It's obviously meant to be! George texts back (and I quote), "Awesome! Yes, we want them! And sorry about Emma."
Saturday is here and George is off about 9:00a.m. Jo and I hosted a pretty cute shower (if I do say so myself). We had a nest theme and the cake had a bird's nest on top with a blue bird and pink bird peeking out. All of the decor looked so cute and I think Stacy had a great time. We had the shower at an Italian restaurant in Grapevine. They had the most perfect little party room for us and we feasted on pizzas, cheese, crackers and of course, cake! I have never met one of Stacy's friends that I don't like and the shower was not an exception. It was a great afternoon! Stacy is just the cutest pregnant lady ever! She is one of those people that you can just tell is the most awesome wife and mother. I admire her so much. I hope I am half as good of a mom as she is one day. They already have a little boy, Ely, that is 4 and is going to be the best big brother. I just cannot wait to hold Molly and Luke in my arms and watch them grow up. The Amersons are another blessing we have from JCI. I am so glad to have the Sudbecks and the Amersons in our lives :)
After the shower, I raced home to Fort Worth and changed quickly and then I was on the road. I got into College Station about 7 and when I got out of the car, which was on the top of the parking garage at Northgate (on the opposite side of campus as Kyle Field), I could already hear the crowd. It was pretty amazing. I walked through campus, met up with George for my ticket and yelled my heart out. I was so proud of the Aggies that night. It was an awesome game. Seeing the unsportsmanlike conduct of Nebraska's coach also made me so proud to have Mike Sherman. He has gotten a lot of criticism over the last couple of years but he is rebuilding our program the right way. He is such a respectable man. I would trust my kiddo to be under his care for four years in a heartbeat. After the game, we celebrated a little too hard with some of our Aggie friends. It was such a sweet, sweet feeling and one that had not been felt in Aggieland for such a long time. I am so glad we were there for it. Seriously, one of the top 10 moments of my life! Gig em!!
Thankfully, I was off the entire week of Thanksgiving to prepare for the 12 people we were hosting at our house. Turkey Day post coming soon!
Weekend 3.8
18 hours ago
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