Thursday, March 31, 2016

Spring Break Part II - Fort Worth Staycation

We got home from a long weekend at Nonnie and Pawpaw's house just before Daddy was home from work on Monday. We enjoyed giving him lots of hugs and kisses, and he handled bedtime that evening so I could go on a much needed (mentally and physically) run.

On Tuesday, we met our friends Aria and her mom, Katie, (who was actually one of the girls' teachers last year) at Chick-Fil-A for a play date and lunch. The girls had so much fun together and it felt so manageable and pretty easy. These are huge words coming from a mom, let alone a mom of two toddlers! The girls took great naps and we had a low key evening at home together.

Wednesday morning we went over to the Sanders for a play date with EV (and adult time for the moms). The girls had so much fun, and it was hard getting them home. They all slept so well, which is always evidence of a good play date. After nap, we walked up to Curly's for ice-cream. It's about a 15 minute walk there and the weather was so nice. We brought EV an ice-cream and enjoyed playing outside before dinner.

Early Thursday morning, west Fort Worth had a terrible hail storm. It hailed off-and-on (but mostly on) from 3a.m - 7a.m.! It have never seen or heard anything like it. Between the two of us, we have almost $4k worth of damage to our cars! #thankgoodnessforinsurance After the daddies took off for work, Lindsey texted me and asked what I was thinking: "What are we going to do INSIDE with these kiddos today?!" I had thought about walking over to Bluebonnet Bakery for lunch with the girls, and the Sanders were on board. Linds and I met in the street (per usual) and we headed out on a walk. To our surprise, it was a big success! Moms and the girls all ate lunch and were very happy. We had so much fun! The littles each got a cookie to enjoy on the way home and then everyone took great naps. Rainy day success! That evening, we celebrated Billy's birthday by going to the Family Night Buffet at Rivercrest. Laura was in Pearland (and was so missed), but Rachel and Dom were able to join us and we had a nice dinner.

Friday morning, we met the Amersons (and some of their friends) at the Science and History/Children's Museum by our house. The girls enjoyed running around the toddler area for well over and hour and then we ended the first half of the day with a picnic on the couch for lunch (and Mickey, of course) before napping. Friday evening, George and I enjoyed some adult conversation and low-key fun with Lindsey and Brian on the front porch. What a great end to the week!

We had a wonderful spring break and looked forward to getting back to our friends and regular routines. I absolutely loved the time spent with my sweet girls! They are at such a fun age and are growing and changing daily. I feel so fortunate to be their mama! <3 p="">

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Spring Break Part I -- Girls Road Trip

YLast spring break, we started a tradition where I take the girls to my parents' for a few days. My parents always welcome any time they can get with the girls, and I enjoy getting away for a few days. Plus it gives Daddy George a little break from the chaos of living with three girls. This year, we decided to leave Friday after school and come back on Monday. We had just been there a couple of weeks before when George had meetings and had stayed Thursday - Monday. Plus, I wanted to have some time to just be at home with no plans.

The girls are great travelers! We've been going since they were just shy of four months old, and I think that is huge. We also always leave right around nap time. My hope is that they will always get a good 2+ hour nap in the car and then we just have three hours of entertaining. We usually drive thru McDonalds for a smoothie and then once we get to 290 (just west of Houston), I have  no shame and the iPad comes on.

We got to Nonnie and Pawpaw's house about 7 on Friday evening, and had dinner and played hard before bed. They didn't sleep great the first night, and I think most of it was due to Ashley cutting her 2/3 year molars. She was pretty miserable! Saturday, we spent the day playing around Nonnie and Pawpaw's house and spending lots of time outside. We brought the bounce house and even Pawpaw bounced with the girls. They enjoyed swinging and exploring in the giant backyard that my parents have. Such  a difference from our small yard in Fort Worth!

Saturday evening, I met up with some girlfriends at Rouxpour in Sugar Land. A couple had to cancel, so it ended up being just Cortney, Taryn and I (and Kellye for a quick glass of wine). We had so much fun, great conversation, and truly enjoyed each other's company. I am so lucky to have great girlfriends in my life, but there is something special about your first set of "best friends" that have grown up with you and experienced so many of life's milestones by your side. We may not see each other as much as we would like, but when we do, we pick right back up where we left off.

Sunday was spent with more playing at Nonnie and Pawpaw's and then hot dogs for dinner. The girls loved every second! The time change was hard on everyone and we got in bed decently early. On Monday, Uncle Taylor picked up donuts for the girls and played with them while I packed the car. We drove 45 minutes to Sugar Land and I let them play and eat lunch before buckling down for the almost-4 hour drive home. We made it home safely and felt so grateful to have had such a wonderful trip and time with our family.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Hello March!

March means spring is close -- and a break from school for mommy and the girls is even closer! We were excited to welcome March and looked forward to spring weather and wearing all of our cute spring clothes! We have had a very mild winter, so we can't complain too much about the cold, but I just can't put my girls in spring smocks until at least March. 

My February goals went pretty well, but I believe I am going to take a step back for March and just focus on maintenance in all areas. We are busy the next two months and I don't want to invite any unnecessary stress into my life. 

Looking back at February --

1. Read two books -- I made reading a more regular habit and I feel like I can fulfill my goal of reading two books a month going forward. It amazes me how when we get out of the habit of doing something on a regular basis, that it's hard to find time to pick it back up again. 

2. Daily Devotional -- I did much better with quiet time this month. I found another Podcast that I enjoy (aside from God Centered Mom). It's called Inspired to Action and it's wonderful. I may not read my devotional every day, but I am praying, reading Christian books with the girls, and listening to Christian podcasts on a daily basis and all of that makes life so much sweeter. 

3. Be active everyday -- I have not done as well in this department this month. It's so hard again to find time for something when it hasn't been in your routine. Hopefully in March with spring break, I can make this a priority again. 

4. Finish the playroom -- It's done! And I love it. I will have to post pictures. 

5. Meal Plan -- Done! We did well with eating at home this month. In March, we are trying our best to incorporate no-carbs at dinner time, so I will be on the look out for new recipes. 

6. Stick to our Budget -- Well, this one is a big fat FAIL! We had lots of expenses this month, and we did go over budget. The good news is that we get to try again in March. 

7. Laundry Room / Landing Cabinet -- This areas got some major organization and it felt great!


In March, I hope to just keep the house maintained. I do want to bring working out to the forefront and commit to three days of actually working out, whether it be a class, running, or the elliptical. I have an app that has short workouts that I could do on the days I can't get a full workout in. I also need to charge my FitBit and start wearing that again. Small changes that I think can make a big difference!

Probably my biggest "goal" for March is to start making low-carb or no-carb dinners. I will be on the lookout for new recipes! George is working hard to eat healthy and become active again, and I feel like preparing healthy meals will help him in his lifestyle change. 


I can't to see what March brings our family! We are so excited for spring weather, a few days off, and celebrating Easter with our families. God is so good! <3 font="">

Life in February -- Friends, Valentine's Day, Pink Eye, and a Road Trip

February felt a lot less hectic than January, and that was welcomed by all. We spent a lot of time at home enjoying the very unseasonably nice weather.

The first week of February was nice, normal and quiet. We played outside a lot, I worked on getting caught up on never ending housework, and George was in town and not working too late.

The next week was pretty easy, too, until I came down with pink eye for the first time in my (almost) 31 years. My eyes were yuck all of Valentine's weekend and but the end of the next week, all of the girls in our house had a turn with it. That meant not much school that week for anyone and a stressed out mommy! George managed to escape it and was out of town for two days. Lucky him!

Rewind to Valentine's Day--it was pretty sweet! Daddy George got all of the girls breakfast and flowers. And we got him his favorite candy and cards. We spent the day together as a family and shared lots of love! I was able to go the grocery before noon and alone, so that was a win for me! We enjoyed an early family dinner eating Mexican and George and I had dessert after the ladies went to bed. It was a great day!

The next week was busy with Junior League fun and prepping for Theresa's couple's shower. We can't wait to love on Baby Camden in April! Following Theresa's shower, we enjoyed adult company and conversation with the Sanders. We are so lucky to have such wonderful friends that live across the street. 

George found out he had some meetings in Houston on a Friday and a Monday at the end of the month, so the girls and I tagged along and spent an extended stay at Nonnie and Pawpaw's house. It was so much fun! Aunt Dixie took off Friday and we met her at the zoo. I think all four girls needed a nap afterwards. We had so much fun! I really wanted a picture with the girls and Aunt Dixie at the zoo and didn't think to try and capture one until the end of the visit. Needless to say with two tired toddlers, I learned my lesson that pictures need to always be taken at the beginning! We had a great day with her. Growing up, I spent a weekend with her each December and we did something fun in Houston. Those memories are some of my most treasured of my childhood. I hope the girls get to share in the Dixie Days tradition. 

Friday evening, we were back in West Columbia and once everyone was home from work we all went to dinner at my favorite hometown Mexican restaurant. It's even starting to grow on George now! We headed back to Fort Worth on Monday afternoon and made it back in time to prepare for school, work, and the month of March the next day. 

February was a low key, but enjoyable month. We really enjoyed each other and seeing the girls grow, talk, and become more independent every day. We are so fortunate, and don't take a second of it for granted! Cheers to March!