April is usually a busy and fun month for us, and this April was no different. We kicked off the month on April 1st with Weekday School's annual Spring Party. It was at the Fort Worth Zoo, and so much fun. George and I sat at a table with some of my students' parents and had the best time. However, a strong cool front came in just before the party and it was freezing. My safari-themed sundress was a no-go, but the cold didn't spoil our fun. It was such a fun night out for both of us!
George left just a few days after the Spring Party for a work trip to the Masters. He took two customers that are more like friends and had a wonderful time. I think it's safe to say it was his favorite work trip (may trip) yet! He brought back lots of goodies (since Masters items can only be purchased at the tournament) and we were so happy to see him. He got to witness back-to-back hole in ones, which is something he'll remember forever! I think it's safe to say this will become one of his annual "work" trips!
The rest of the first week of April was spent with birthday celebrations and the JLFW Provisional Pancake Picnic. Since next year Nicole and I will be planning it, we stopped by for set-up and tried to take it all in. Later George and I came back with the girls and the loved the pancakes and fun games. This year's provisional class (and chairs) did an AMAZING job! It was fabulous!!
I turned 31 on April 8th, and George surprised me by coming home from work a couple of hours early that day and giving me some time to myself. It was so appreciated and fun not to be in a rush (or go to the grocery)! That evening, we walked up to River Crest with the girls for a sweet little birthday dinner. Saturday evening, we celebrated with a casual dinner with Rachel and then a couple of hours out with friends afterwards. It was a wonderful birthday and I am so thankful to be where I am at this point -- a wife and mom. It's all I ever wanted and He has provided. Life is sweet!
The next week, we celebrated Laura's birthday and Taylor and Matt's birthdays from afar and then the four of us headed down to Lakeway Resort on Lake Travis for George's work incentive trip. This year it was a family trip (where usually it's just employees). We weren't sure how the girls would do in a hotel room, but they were rock stars. We had so much fun! Friday evening we had dinner and they played in the room before going to bed. I stayed in the room with them and read (and retired early), while George hung out with co-workers. Saturday, it was rainy so we took them to the resort's big indoor Kid Zone and they had a blast (and took great naps). I spent a couple of hours at the spa while they napped and then we all went to George's work dinner that evening. We got back in time for a birthday dinner for Grandma and then back to business as usual.
The next week was crazy as George and I prepared to leave for a work trip (with wives) to Sonoma. The girls would stay with Grandma and Pawpaw. I always get so anxious and hate leaving the girls, but I know it's good for me to have a break and for George and I to have sometime together. I planned the entire trip for four couples and I had a lot of anxiety about everything running smoothly. We were attending Passport Weekend for the second time (first since the girls), which is a huge food and wine "festival" at each winery. You purchase a wine passport with 45-ish wineries and can go to any of them over a two-day period for tastings. Each winery has a different theme (Italian, Spanish, country club, Hollywood, New Orleans, etc.) and has food to accompany each tasting. We didn't know any of the couples (aside from George having lunch a time or two with the husbands), but we had so much fun! It was a great group and the girls had a wonderful time with Grandma and Pawpaw. What a fun weekend for everyone!
We ended the month relaxing and recovering from being gone so much and, of course, celebrating Rachel's birthday. It was fun to have Matt join us for dinner, too! April was jam-packed, but so much fun was had and memories made. The girls continued to "grow-up" before our very eyes and we love seeing their personalities blossom. We could not ask for more!!
Weekend 3.8
11 hours ago
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