I cannot believe we are onto the second month of 2011! 2010 was a great year for us and I am so excited for what 2011 has in store. Below is a brief recap of our 2010!
January - We started the year off traveling to New Orleans with my parents and wonderful Aunt Dixie and Uncle Matt for my Aunt's 55th birthday. My aunt is such a special person in my life. She is my sounding board, my voice of reason and most importantly, one of the best friends I could ever ask for. Between her and my mom, I beyond blessed in having two women to help me navigate this crazy thing called life :) We ate so much Cajun food (including delicious oysters at Drago's and fabulous Italian at John Besh's Domenica) and enjoyed great conversations and time together. How much fun!
February - It was a quiet month for us. For Valentine's Day, we attended a dinner party at the Amersons and then Romeo and Juliet, The Ballet at Bass Hall. We also experienced record snowfall - 14 inches! Schools released early on Thursday and were closed all day Friday. It was fun to snuggle and be "snowed in" for a couple of days.
March - We started construction on the upstairs of our house! First up was the guest bath. Once that was complete we could start on the master suite. It's important to make sure you have one functioning shower/bathroom!
April - I turned 25 in April! We celebrated with dinner at Winslows with great friends - The Caples, The Sudbecks, Matt, Cortney, Rachel, Dom, Lindsey and the Amersons - before heading to Capital Bar and enjoying the outdoor patio upstairs and band downstairs. Of course, the night would not be complete without a classic Lindsey moment - spilling red wine on my white pants! Easter was in April and Rachel and Dom came over to attend church with us. I bought lilies in memory of all of our grandparents. Construction continued and we became closer to our finished product.
May - We celebrated the Kentucky Derby with the Amersons and had a blast. We also celebrated JoAnna's birthday and Rachel's (even though she's technically April...4/30). We were fortunate enough again to spend Mother's Day with both families in Jasper. We are so blessed with two families that have come together like they've always been one big family. Memorial Day was spent on the lake first with the Amersons and Sudbecks and then with Chris and Jessica. I had a very unfortunate Memorial Day weekend. I made the mistake of wearing my wedding band on the lake and now it's at the bottom of Lake Lewisville. It was seriously the saddest day of my life. It makes me tear up thinking about it. We hired a scuba diver but it wasn't retrieved. Prior to Memorial Day, I ended my first school year with Granbury ISD. I surprisingly broke out in tears as I hugged my kiddos goodbye for the summer.
June - George and I celebrated our second wedding anniversary by going to Fredericksburg for the weekend. We visited several wineries and stayed at a lovely bed and breakfast. My high school girlfriends, the fab 4, came to FW the second weekend in June. We had a blast at Joe T's Friday night (thanks to several margs!) and then went out on Eagle Mountain Lake on Saturday. We concluded the weekend with brunch at Cowtown Diner. I am so blessed to have had these girls in my life for so long. We have grown from little girls to women together and next summer two of them will become moms. I cannot wait to spoil those babies! At the end of June, we celebrated Pete's 30th birthday by renting a house on Lake Travis with the Amersons and Charlie and Mallory. Cort, Matt, and Rachel joined us for the weekend. We had so much fun! Probably the most exciting thing about June was Stacy finding out she was pregnant! After so many months of praying and trying, her wish finally came true. I cannot describe the emotion I felt when I found out. Stacy is one of the best mothers, wives and Christians that I know. She deserved this good news more than anyone. I was so happy for her!!
July - We rang in the 4th in Granbury with George's family. His parents finally sold their second home in Jasper and bought a beautiful lake house in Granbury (where I teach). We had such a fun time with them! The rest of July was pretty lazy with lots of lake time and me getting ready for the new school year.
August - August means back to school! I started back the second week with training and then the next week was full of working in my classroom and various meetings at my elementary. I got to meet my kiddos at Meet the Teacher and as usual, was so excited about what the new year held. That is what is so great about being a teacher....you are nervous, excited, apprehensive, afraid just like the kids. Every year I wonder if I can prepare my new students as I have the ones before. The rest of August was filled with lake weekends and getting to meet JoAnna's girlfriends from Iowa when they came to visit. The last weekend we traveled to PCB with the Sudbecks and the Amersons. Even though the weather was terrible, we had a great time hanging out, eating lots of yumm-o food, catching pool time when we could and just being around our "DFW family." What a great month!
September - College football season is here! We upheld our tradition of going to the first football game. We watched the Aggies BTHO Stephen F. Austin. My parents joined us for their first ever Aggie football game. I think they had a fabulous time, even though it was so hot. We enjoyed more Aggie football this month and retired the boat for the season. This month also started most of my activities for Junior League. We began meetings and I began my 50 hours of community service at our resale shop. I have enjoyed JL so much and have met so many wonderful girls!
October - The first weekend in October was the aTm/Arkansas game at Cowboys stadium. Last year I was recovering from H1N1 and of course, this year I got a stomach bug two days before. I felt better the day of and the Aggies fought hard but could not pull out a W. I started my blog in October and have enjoyed somewhat blogging our lives. My parents celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary this month. If there are two people in this world that represent true love and all that love can overcome, it's my parents. Thanks Mom and Dad for showing me what love is and can be. I am so blessed to have you as role models!
November - The first weekend in November, we went down for the OU game. Holy cow! What a fabulous game. The Ags dominated and just looked fantastic. I would have to say that this was the sweetest win of the season. I was so happy. I told George this was the second best moment of my life....following our wedding of course. The next week we celebrated George's birthday with great friends. The Sudbecks, Rachel, Matt, Cortney, Chris, Lindsey, Jerrod and Aleece helped us celebrate my sweet hubby's big day. We watched the Aggies BTHO Baylor and then celebrated until the wee hours. The next weekend was crazy....I threw Stacy a baby shower and then drove to College Station to watch the Aggies BTHO Nebraska. We had several great friends in town for the big game and we had such a wonderful time. I yelled so loud I was hoarse. Stacy's shower was beautiful and I hope she enjoyed it. We had a bird's nest theme and I think her cake was adorable. The following weekend was the one after Thanksgiving and we spent it with our families. Thanksgiving weekend was wonderful. We were fortunate enough to host it again this year. We had both families and all siblings, plus Chris and Lindsey. We changed our meal to an evening because Matt had to work and it ended up being such a blessing. We were able to relax and visit with family all day long. It was wonderful! Friday we went to the Buckmasters for a late lunch and my parents drove back on Saturday. It was a wonderful weekend!
December - December was a crazy month! I ran my first ever 1/2 marathon on December 5th. I had been training since October and ran a "test run" of 13 miles the weekend before. The feeling of crossing the finish line is indescribable. That's probably why I'm running another one at the end of March. I am in love with running (and my hubs of course!) and am so glad I found this "sport." The next weekend I finished up Christmas shopping and got things ready to go home. The following Friday I ended the first semester and we went to my parents for Christmas on Tuesday night. We were so blessed to spend three full days + Christmas day with them. It was the best Christmas I can even remember. We were so relaxed and got to spend some great time with them that I will treasure forever. On Christmas Eve, the Ashleys came over like old times and we had so much fun reminiscing. On Christmas night, we drove to my in laws in Jasper and had another wonderful Christmas. We enjoyed having some downtime with them and just relax. We are so blessed with two truly wonderful families. I don't say that lightly and just as a fluffer....we really do have the two best families anyone could ever pray for! The holidays really remind me of that. On NYE, we went to a house party with several great friends in Fort Worth. I am so thankful for the new girlfriends I've made this year, Theresa and Colleen. It's nice to have girls in FW that you can grab lunch, happy hour, or a pedicure with.
What a great year! We are so blessed! I know that 2011 is going to be a wonderful year for us, too. I am so excited to see what it brings our way!
Weekend 3.8
19 hours ago
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