Month three meant that we only had two more appointments with Dr. Kauffman (weeks 9 and 10) before being released to my regular OB for an appointment at week 12. Leaving Dr. K was such a bittersweet feeling. Walking into that clinic for the first time just four months before, I wasn't sure that we would ever be pregnant. Being released to my regular OB was such a huge step. It meant that I was just a regular old pregnant person, something else that I never thought would happen. We bid farewell to FW Fertility and had our first appointment with Dr. Benz on August 20th. She did another ultrasound and said the babies looked "perfect!" That is music to a mommy-to-be's ears! She also mentioned that I would be seeing a high-risk OB beginning at 16 weeks, which is pretty standard with twins.
Month 3 Notes:
Symptoms: All-day sickness finally started subsiding around week 10. I still didn't want to eat anything, but at least I wasn't feeling queasy all day long!
Cravings: None! Food still didn't sound very good. I had a strange aversion to Mexican food, that thankfully only lasted a few weeks. Chicken and Chickfila were still completely off limits. YUCK!
Weight Gain: None
Looking Pregnant? : Maybe a small bump that I could see, but by week 12 I definitely was uncomfortable in my pants and using rubber bands to hold them together.
Baby Notes:
9 weeks - Baby A (25mm long / HB - 183 bpm) ; Baby B (26mm long / HB - 163 bpm)
We got to see them move at this appointment for the first time! It was amazing! Daddy George videoed on his phone and we shared with our families.
10 weeks - Baby A (42mm long / HB - 163bpm) ; Baby B (37mm long / HB - 170bpm)
Our last appointment with FW Fertility! Mom definitely got a little emotional!
12 weeks - Both babies measuring around 5cm and HB between 150-160bpm
We scheduled our gender reveal ultrasound for September 20th! I can't wait! I had a lot of blood taken -- 7 vials! We checked for many different genetic/chromosome abnormalities.
Month four was a good month. I started feeling a little more energetic, although still exhausted by the end of the day. We had an appointment with Dr. Benz on September 19th and she said all of our screenings came back just fine. What a relief! We didn't get to see the babies on this appointment but I did get to hear the sweetest sound with the Doppler - their heart beats! The next day I went in for our gender reveal ultrasound. We decided not to find out until our reveal party (the next day) with our close friends and family, and it was TORTURE closing my eyes, and then knowing that someone else knew and I didn't.
Month 4 Notes:
Symptoms: I felt a little more energetic, especially in the mornings. By the afternoon, I was exhausted. There was a lot of coming home and laying on the couch! The headaches started this month. I had a major headache every day, and the only medicine safe to take was Tylenol.
Cravings: None - although Mexican food was able to enter the picture again. I was able to eat more foods, but just never really "craved" anything.
Weight Gain: +4 lbs at my 16-week appointment - Dr. Benz wants me to gain 6 more pounds by my 20 week appointment.
Looking Pregnant? : Bring on the maternity jeans! It's so much easier just to break out the elastic than be uncomfortable all day.
Week 14 Bump:
Week 17 Bump:
Baby Notes:
Week 16: Baby A (13cm long / HB: 154bpm) ; Baby B (13cm long / HB: 143bpm)
Gender reveal! Gender reveal! We could hardly contain ourselves!
Week 16 Ultrasound:
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