Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Pregnancy Months 1 & 2 + a Surprise!

George and I were pretty much on cloud nine from the end of June on. We could not believe that finally, after so many tears, prayers, doctor's appointments, months of bad news (to us, it seemed like each negative pregnancy test was bad news), and medicine that we were being blessed with a sweet bundle of joy. I immediately calculated my due date: March 9, 2014. This was even better timing than I could have imagined. I could be with my class until spring break, then take maternity leave and it would run into summer. When I went back to work in August, the baby would be 5 months old. Perfect! Aside from our good news, some friends of ours had some good news of their own. Lindsey and Brian were expecting as well! She was 8 weeks ahead of me, and I was so excited to have another first time mom to share the experience with that was about in the same time frame as me. We anxiously waited from July 10th until July 19th to hear that sweet heartbeat. I prayed continuously for this baby, and the development and health.
We had our first appointment on a Friday morning with Dr. Elkins (Dr. Kauffman's partner at FW Fertility). I anxiously awaited as she began the ultrasound. When I looked on the screen, I thought something seemed a little different than other ultrasounds I had seen in the past. "I have great news," she said. "We have a very healthy heartbeat, and I have more good news --- there are TWO very healthy heartbeats!" TWINS! Holy guacamole! Neither of us had any idea that it could be twins! The planner in me immediately started thinking of everything that this meant -- earlier due date, possible bed rest, possible NICU time for the babies, more space (and stuff) needed in the house, etc. I know George immediately thought of the increase in dollar signs! Ha! We came home so grateful, excited and a little speechless and scared. Not only had we been blessed with A baby, but God trusted us to be the parents of TWO babies AT ONCE!


It's funny how He has such a plan for every single person in this world. I don't think I really wrapped my mind around it until the infertility process. A great example is this one: We had debated back and forth that if we had to do IVF, whether we would put in one or two embryos. We came to the conclusion that we would just put in one embroyo. We weren't sure if we could handle twins! However, it was constantly on my mind that you have better chances with two and that since IVF is so expensive that it is really more cost effective to put two in, but we were pretty sure with our decision. Well in the two week window of the second, successful IUI, I had a complete change of heart about twins. All of the sudden, I really wanted twins. I felt like it would be manageable and something that would really be great for our families. I felt at peace with having twins, and not panicked or afraid. Fast forward four weeks to getting the official twin news, and I know that God was preparing my heart. He was teaching me to trust in him and that's what we've done since that day. Now, I cannot imagine having just one baby. I am so in love with my twins and the special bond that they will share that I can't stand it. Every day I give thanks for making us the parents of these sweet bundles of joy! His plan was greater than ANYTHING I could have ever imagined.

Month 1 & 2 Notes:

Symptoms: Morning (or really all-day) Sickness! I never threw up, but there was a major queasiness ALL DAY long and plenty of gagging and dry heaving. I also was very tired, and thankful to have the month of July off to lay on the couch, which I did daily.

Cravings: Nothing! Food didn't sound good at all, but the less I ate the sicker I felt. My biggest food turn-off was chicken, especially Chickfila. How sad is that?!

Weight Gain: Maybe a pound or two, but nothing crazy.

Looking Pregnant?: Not really, although towards weeks 7 and 8, I felt like my body looked different but no one else could tell.

Pregnancy Photos:

Week 8:

Sonogram Photos:

Week 6:
Week 8:

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